Sunday, May 17, 2009

Trading Team

GAIN's market making desk is staffed 24-hours a day during trading hours with experienced former bank traders who are comfortable managing a high volume forex trading operation. Three shifts cover each major trading session - Tokyo, London and NY - and each shift is managed by one or more senior dealers with, on average, 15-20 years of FX market making experience at top tier Wall Street firms.

Without a doubt, GAIN's success to date is in no small part due to the talent of our trading team. The desk's mandate is to make tight, aggressive markets and ensure quality execution for our customers. They are also charged with managing GAIN's risk and exposure as a market maker in the highly competitive and price sensitive Forex market.

Clients with over $25,000 in account equity have the added benefit of direct access to GAIN's traders for market color and consultation. These same people are frequently asked to provide market commentary to such prestigious news organizations as Dow Jones, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg, CBS Marketwatch.

Timothy O'Sullivan, Chief Dealer
Tim manages the day to day operation of GAIN's trading desk. With GAIN since its founding, Tim has 20 years of experience trading spot & forward FX in the Interbank market. Previously, Tim was director of the NY Sterling desk at Merrill Lynch. Hired in 1994 to establish a presence in Asian Exotic spot & forward currencies, Tim subsequently assumed responsibility for the EMS currencies desk. In 1997, he launched the Mexican Peso desk and provided liquidity to develop customer business. Tim started his career at Standard Chartered Bank, spanning an eight-year tenure that included running forward books in DEM, and trading spot Far East and exotic currencies.

Stephen Reilly, Senior Trader
Stephen's 20+ years of forex trading experience includes stints at several top brokerage houses. Prior to joining GAIN in 2000, Stephen managed the 14-person Euro desk at Tullett & Tokyo, the world's largest FX broker at that time. Before that, Stephen spent 10 years at Noonan Astley & Pearce as vice president of foreign exchange. Previously, Stephen traded at Harlow Meyer Savage, and started his FX career in 1982 at Lasser Marshall, leaving four years later at vice president of foreign exchange.

David Leaver, Senior Trader
Dave joined GAIN in 2001 from BankBoston, where he was the bank's primary EUR/USD dealer, handling both proprietary and customer business. Prior to that, he traded the majors and Euro crosses on the New York FX desk at Credit Commercial de France (CCF), which averaged $1B in daily turnover. Before that, he was at Fuji Bank in New York, trading on the USD/DEM desk. Dave started his FX career in 1991 at Exco Noonan, as a broker on the USD/DEM desk.

Brian Dolan, Chief Currency Strategist
Brian is an 18 year veteran of the currency market, having worked as a senior trader and analyst at some of the world's leading international banks, including Dai-Ichi Kangyo, Credit Suisse and American Express. In addition to overseeing fundamental and technical research at GAIN, Brian publishes a daily technical analysis report and weekly macro research report for the exclusive use of GAIN Capital clients. Frequently sought after by the financial press for his insights into currency movements, Brian is a frequent guest on CNBC and Bloomberg TV. Brian has also published numerous articles on short-term trading strategies and risk management in journals such as Futures, Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, and SFO. In the fall of 2007, Brian co-authored Currency Trading for Dummies, a sophisticated, educational resource for traders new to the Forex markets. Brian is a graduate of Dartmouth College.

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